Why is vulnerability so important to position myself in my presentations?

While it’s important that your audience see you as credible, it’s also important that they can relate to you. We’ve all been in a situation where we are super impressed by all of the letters after someone’s name, but if we can’t connect to them or relate to them on a more personal level, we are left feeling something like, “Good for you, but I don’t have all those degrees so I could never accomplish that.”

If you are offering a system that your clients can model to have success in an area where you’ve been successful, they have to see that you are a normal person just like them and that if you can do it, they can do it.

Displaying vulnerability doesn’t mean you have to have a hard luck story. It may be as simple as sharing a difficult part of your path that you overcame, or the back story of the challenges you worked through to be the person you are today. Painting a perfect picture just isn’t believable anymore. People are too smart for that. Show that you are ordinary and extraordinary. That’s what attracts people to you and what you have to offer.

One thought on “Why is vulnerability so important to position myself in my presentations?

  1. Great message Lisa! I finally shared publically that I was
    on welfare. I was somewhat embarassed about it. I realized
    though that I needed to share it so that people can see
    that I’m a normal person who has had challenges to overcome.

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