The #1 way to inspire on the spot action is to make an Irresistible Offer to an interested prospect.
Why do I say that? Because far to often, experts are attempting to make hot offers to cold prospects. You see, it doesn’t matter how wonderful your discounts or bonuses are if the prospect isn’t desirous of the outcome or transformation you are offering. For your prospects to move forward, they have to be hungry for the destination you are offering. It has to be a place they want to go. Otherwise, it doesnt matter how awesome the plane is. You can promise to take them on a Leer Jet, but if its not going where they crave to go, you may be surprised when they decline the ride.
On the other hand, if you take someone who is hot on the destination you are offering, and you then make that offer irresistible with a few great, relevant bonuses, some special pricing and last but not least, a “today only” limiter…my friends, now you’ve caused some internal tension to arise in that potential client and that is just what they need to bring themselves to a YES!