The Upward Spiral of High-Ticket Sales

The Upward Spiral of High-Ticket Sales
Despite the opportunity to finally break the six-figure ceiling, many people still shy away from high-ticket sales, because they have erroneous ideas about what it means to work with clients at that level. By “high-ticket” I mean a sale that is more than $2,000. This can be an initial sale with a new client or an upsell to an existing client.

Some people think that high-ticket clients would be high-maintenance and that they would have to work a lot harder to satisfy them. But, as I show you below, that’s just not true. There are huge advantages to leveraging your expertise with a group program at a high-ticket rate. Here are three:

1. High-ticket requires the same amount of work.

High-ticket selling isn’t about the number of hours you put in—it’s about the transformation you facilitate for your clients and the increase in intimacy and access to work with you directly. You’re actually going to do the same amount of work to secure a $297 sale as a $2,997 sale.

Think about it, you still have to attract the new client, engage the new client, convert the new client, follow up, upsell—all those things have to be done whether you’re charging $300 or $3,000.

2. You’re going to love your clients.

Far from being needy or demanding, I generally find my high-ticket clients to be more respectful of my time. They’re also more self-reliant. And they’re more committed.

My high-ticket clients tend to work with me from a spirit of partnership. They come in, lay down their cash, fire up their commitment, and get to work. They take massive action and get massive results, creating an incredible Upward Spiral for themselves and my business as well.

3. High-ticket launches the Upward Spiral.

The formula to create that Upward Spiral is:

Commitment plus investment equals action, equals results = mojo for your business. Here’s how that works:

When clients invest in themselves at a high level, they’re demonstrating a huge level of commitment. They’re all in, and that leads them to take massive action.

When they take massive action they get massive results. Those results build their confidence, which leads to a commitment to take the next big action.

That big action yields another big result, which gives them even more confidence, creating an incredible Upward Spiral that could continue without end.

In the meantime, you’re experiencing your own Upward Spiral. You become known for mentoring clients to produce huge results, which leads to great referrals and even more committed clients. While your clients revel in their results, your mojo goes through the roof.

Before long you’ve got the business you’ve always dreamed of—six- or seven-figures while transforming lives around the world.

If you’d like to learn from the comfort of your home or office how to launch your own Upward Spiral, take advantage of our Livestream option and join us virtually at Impact & Influence Intensive. Click here to learn more about how it works and get registered right away.