A while back, I took some members of my Sales, Authenticity and Success (Sassy) Mastermind on a surprise hot-air balloon ride.
The real surprise was the wisdom of Pilot Pete. He said that we need to “learn to deal with the sensation of no sensation.”
To understand what he meant, picture yourself in a hot-air balloon. It’s very noisy at first with the fire blasting to raise the balloon, and then all of a sudden, the pilot turns down the burner, and it’s quiet.
It’s almost an eery quiet, and the balloon feels weightless as it floats on the breeze.
It’s awesome, and a little bit uncomfortable.
We are so used to noise and distractions, that the sensation of no sensation can be a bit unsettling.
I experience that sometimes in my business when I’ve planned an event really well, and there are no emergencies or last-minute problems that need to be handled. I look around at my amazing staff, like I can’t quite believe it.
Sometimes, during periods of calm, people create drama or difficulty, because the ease just feels too unfamiliar.
Instead, I invite you to enjoy those smooth moments, because we all know, there will be plenty of sensation overload in the future.
Follow the wisdom of Pilot Pete and learn to relax. Take the quiet ride with the breeze when it comes.