Productivity and Sales Conversion

As entrepreneurs, we’re changing the world. Together we’re creating new jobs in every market. We’re improving the lifestyles of our customers and most importantly, we’re doing our passion work.

There is one key ingredient that drastically impacts our business success: Productivity. Without it our goals slip away, our profits decline and our passions fade with frustration.

Productivity is on the decline, recently here in the US productivity has dropped to less than 1%! While this may be shocking there are steps we can take to ensure this trend doesn’t affect our businesses.

How we invest our time is a conscious choice. We control our calendars. We control who we say Yes and No to. Reminder, it’s ok to say no sometimes <3   So how do we use the disciple of productivity to increase sales and grow our businesses?

As entrepreneurs, we create exponential growth when we increase efficiency aka productivity. Here are 3 ways we’ve increased the productivity of my company that generates over 7-figures annually.

We implemented this tool company-wide across all departments for a few key reasons. One of the biggest being cross-departmental collaboration. Here’s an example: Our Mastermind Team, the amazing leaders supporting our year long Sales Authenticity and Success Mastermind, often need support from our Marketing Team. This could be projects; to create assets, webpages, graphics, and advertisements. When two departments come together like this we can use Slack check-in on the status of projects by tagging the team members involved in the project.

Focused Team Meetings
Meetings don’t have be boring or humongous, quite the contrary. On a weekly basis, we have several small department meeting. Teams check in with each other and ensure everyone has what they need. They ensure projects are moving forward while also looking ahead at upcoming objectives and key metrics we’re striving for.

Big Rocks and Tiny Pebbles
Both big goals and the actions to get there are vital for business growth. We lock in our biggest events and marketing objectives on the calendar first. This gives us a roadmap to follow as we begin to break those big rocks into tiny pebble actions.

While tools are great, they are just part of improving productivity. They support us in getting more down, improving communication and hitting milestones. But, it goes a bit deeper than that. Distractions and interruptions are a big productivity killer. They cause undo stress while zapping your energy and focus!

You can gain back time! With simple tweaks to what you do every day, this can get better for you and your company.

I love my friend Bill Baren’s new book where he’s sharing the exact methods he used to double his productivity every day! It’s called “The Business Owner’s Guide to Lucrative Productivity

He’s uncovered the 5 biggest challenges entrepreneurs face, PLUS his solution to each of them. I printed out the digital version and let me tell you I have my notes and high payoff activities written all over this masterpiece.

Take back the reins of your productivity! You’ve got this!