Pick a Horse and Ride It

Pick-a-horse-and-ride-itIf you’ve been following me for any length of time, you know that I’m a big fan of making a decision and getting into action.

There’s a good reason for that. Actually, there are three!

And as you read the following 3 reasons to pick a horse and ride it, search your life and business and see where you need to put this in place right away.

Especially look at those areas where you’re confused, you’re stuck, you’re not moving forward. Those can be clear signs that it’s time to go for it.

Here are those 3 reasons why:

1Decide and See the Magic.

Once you make the decision to move in a particular direction with your program offering or business idea, all of a sudden, the many possibilities, ideas and forces that have been sprinkled around out there in the universe have a place to land.

That’s because, the minute you decide, you write it down on paper or you say to yourself and your team, “Yes, we’re doing this,” you start to look through that lens, which comes in close. And you see all the things that you could not see when you were just looking at options.

You say, “Wow, I see that I have this resource over there, I have this help over here, I could leverage that over there.” But until you pick a horse, you don’t pull that lens in close enough to be able to see all of that magic.

Just making a single decision can open a world of new possibilities in business.

2. You’re in Action.

One thing’s for sure, once you jump on a horse, you’re not going to be standing still! And here’s the secret that many people don’t realize: you have to be in action in order to course correct. You can’t stand still on the sidewalk and imagine five steps down the road. You need to be on the road, moving, in order to really navigate the terrain and let it guide you.

So if you’re at a crossroads and you can’t decide, just pick the horse that seems to be the better choice. When you’re making a decision that involves change, you’ll rarely get all of yourself to agree. So just do your best. Very soon, you’ll either be very glad that you picked that horse, or you’ll know quickly that you need to make another change. It’s actually in the movement that clarity can finally arise.

3. You Don’t Have to Ride That Horse Forever.

That leads me to another secret… You’re not pledging till death do you part. If you pick the wrong horse, you’ll know it. And you’ll know it so much sooner than if you sat back and tried to look from the outside.

Picking a horse gets you started. It illuminates opportunities that you could not see before. And, you know what, if it turns out to not be the decision that was in your highest good, you’ll know. So just change horses. It’s as simple as that.

And speaking of picking a horse… If you’re considering coming to Ultimate Sales Bootcamp, the time to pick that horse is now. Do the fun and powerful pre-course accelerator assignments you get immediately upon registering, and start creating your on- and offline sales conversion machine today.