Keep Moving

Get Moving sign with a beach on backgroundSometimes when we’re trying to get something just right, we stop moving, and then we get stuck.

When we get stuck, Source can’t course correct us, and we can’t correct our course either, because we’re standing still.

Picture yourself in a car with the transmission set to park. Try as you might, you’re not going anywhere until you put the car into gear and start moving.

It doesn’t have to be a big movement. Even just the slightest amount will do, and then all of a sudden you can steer, you can go anywhere you want, and every direction opens up to you.

So even if you don’t know exactly where you’re going, take the action that seems the best, complete your project so that it’s “good enough,” and keep on moving.

And, as you go forward, if you’d like learn my strategies for planning, structuring and marketing highly successful events that lead to filling your high-end mastermind, mentorship or coaching programs with your ideal clients, join us at Event Profit Secrets.