How to Master your Mindset

Success-MindsetIn order to have great results you have to master your mindset. Do the work to create a great mindset, and everything will flow from there.

But even the greatest mindset masters can get hung up when offering their own personal services. There’s something really confronting about asking for the business when the business delivered is your work.

That’s why it pays to keep improving your mindset. Here are the two best ways I’ve found to do that:

  1. Go straight in. Dive into the work to literally change the way you think. We do this at Speak-to-Sell bootcamp, when we show you brand-new ways to think about what you’re actually doing when you’re making an irresistible offer. Hint: you’re serving and inviting pursuit not “closing.”
  2. Swim in the water. This approach is more subtle, but equally effective. Surround yourself with people who already have the mindset you want to adopt. Befriend them. Go to events like ours that attract people who have mastery over their mindset. Notice, absorb and begin to emulate the way those mindset masters think.
  3. To get the best results, combine the approaches, and then, before long, you’ll be the one that everyone else wants to swim with and learn from.