How to Inspire On-the-Spot Action

If you want to inspire on-the-spot action in your ideal clients without being salesy, you need to give them everything they need to be able to make a decision, yes or no.

These 3 principles come directly from my Invisible Close Speak-to-Sell Formula™.

1. Focus on the outcome or transformation
When clients invest, they want the outcome, the transformation they’ll get from studying with you. So, when you’re presenting your Irresistible Offer, spend about 90% of the time focusing on what’s going to happen for them, and only about 10% on explaining how you’re going to deliver that outcome, whether it’s a 3-day live event or five-call teleseries, etc.

2. Use limiters and be crystal clear about them
Limiters make your offer irresistible to your ideal clients, moving them from “thinking about it” to taking action.

There are limiters of time, such as a special discounted price or a set of bonuses that are good today only. And there are limiters of quantity, such as the first X number of people to invest get an extra bonus.

3. Justify the limiter
When you’re giving the limiter, you want to give a true reason for it. For instance, “The special price is only good for the next break because Sarah, who’s hosting this event, has a huge lineup for you today, and I want to support you in deciding if you’re in or you’re out, so that you can be totally present for the next speakers. You already know in your heart if this is right for you.”

To learn more principles for inspiring on-the-spot action, as well as how to craft a Signature Talk that you’ll love and Irresistible Offers that sell, join us in Tampa, Florida, in October for Speak-to-Sell Bootcamp LIVE!