How much practice does it take?

How much practice does it take?

[Nail Your Offer Nugget] How much practice does it take?

I recently had the honor of joining Brian Tracy, his lovely wife Barbara and their daughter Christine for dinner. Brian is a business and motivational speaker who has authored over 80 books and is now 80 years old.

My VIP client, Terri Savelle-Foy, set the dinner up for us. She and I and her amazing daughter Kassidi had so much fun asking Brian question after question to tap into his incredible life and business wisdom.

As we were leaving, I had the chance to ask him a question on behalf of all of us who speak.

“Brian, how much do you practice before each talk?”

His answer and his reasoning perfectly reflected who I know him to be…a true professional and generous through and through.

Here’s Brian Tracy’s advice on rehearsal…

Brian asked Terri and I if we could set up a monthly call to mastermind and share wisdom. We can’t wait!

P.S. With a table of 5 women and Brian, we affectionately decided to call him Charlie, which made us the Angels. What do you think?

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