As you become more successful, there will be growing pains along the way.
For instance, when your groups are small, say 7 or 8, you know everyone in your group intimately. As a heart-centered entrepreneur, you likely relish that.
But when your groups grow to 30 or 40 or 80, you’re not going to know everyone as well. And, despite appreciating the expansion of your reach, the loss of that intimacy might be painful.
I understand, believe me. I want every Sassy to come hang out in my living room. I want to know their kids, but, with 100-plus members, it’s not possible.
So I make it a point to be as present as possible with the people who are showing up, and then I find ways to support the introverts, the folks who are not raising their hands.
But what do you do if your clients are also feeling the pain of not enough time with you?
Before you start making changes to your program, check your records. Are those clients taking advantage of the time you’re already offering? Are they showing up? Are they on the calls? Did they come to the retreat?
Sometimes you do need to make adjustments to give people more intimate time with you, but sometimes people aren’t taking advantage of the time you are giving, so you need to take that into consideration as well.
If you’d like to experience the massive growth that can lead to these kinds of growing pains, come join me in San Diego and create your own high-ticket selling system at Ultimate Sales Bootcamp.