Is it time for you to consider cashing in on your Mojo?
Having a live event is the #1 way I see entrepreneurs leap from hovering around the six-figure mark to a multi-six- or seven-figure business.
How do they do it?
At their live event they make an offer to train people further at a high level through a year-long mastermind, mentorship or coaching program — such as our Sales, Authenticity and Success (Sassy) Mastermind.
How to Enroll Clients
In my opinion, there’s no more powerful tool for converting clients into high-ticket, dedicated relationships than face-to-face at your own live event.
Here’s why live events are so powerful:
1. At a live event, you have your audience’s full attention because, in most cases, they’re not multitasking. They dedicated time away from their normal day-to-day activity to drop deep and learn, which opens them up in a focused way. This is a wonderful time for them to consider a long-term mentor and your offer.
2. Your live event is the number-one vehicle for being able to provide people with deep and lasting value while, at the same time, enjoying massive back-of-the-room sales. You have time with people, and on stage you can really feel what they need and make adjustments to your presentation as you go.
3. You don’t need more than 15 to 20 people in the room to secure your income and a handful of fabulous, committed clients for the whole year. You will love working with this highly invested, dedicated group!
As a bonus, hosting your own live event elevates your star power sky high. Just like it did for my clients and me.
Are you ready to create your own mastermind, mentorship or coaching program, and secure your income and great clients for the whole year while giving great value? Let us know your thoughts below.