Do You Have Marketing Stamina?

Last summer, I took a dozen of my Diamond-level Sales, Authenticity and Success (SASSY) Mastermind members on a surprise hot air balloon ride. We flew over Rancho Santa Fe and San Diego where you can look down over $40-million-dollar homes. Let me tell you, it expanded our minds about what’s possible.

Pete, our pilot, was a twenty-five-year veteran. When it was time to land the balloon, and he had gotten close enough that the guys on the ground could actually grab us and pull us down, Pilot Pete said, “No, no. Don’t touch the balloon.”

He said this because he was a master and he wanted to see how far he could take the balloon and land it with precision on his own. That is part of his craft.

It reminded me of when we’re doing a launch. We’re out there marketing our service or launching a new product, and we have to have “marketing stamina,” a phrase I learned from my friend Jeff Walker. Pilot Pete had the stamina to really go for the gold, to have a beautiful, pin-point landing.

So when you’re out there marketing your programs, don’t just land that thing on the ground. Stick with it and see how far you can go and how much success you can create. For instance, when you do a launch, you might have tons of people register right away, like we all dream of, but sometimes it doesn’t go that way, and there are still several weeks until the course starts. Do you just hang it up and go with the ones who registered? Or do you keep going because there are a lot of other things you can do to fill your course?

I want to serve as many people as I can, so I regularly will add an additional preview call or jump on the phone to do a Q&A call. If you look back over the past few weeks for the launch of our Speak-to-Sell Virtual Bootcamp, we sent you some videos, we had a preview call, we had a livestream and a Q&A call. And now we have an amazing, healthy, beautiful course full of people learning how to get their work out into the world through speaking. And it wouldn’t have happened if I’d just thrown up the first video and said, “Okay, that’s it.”

Now, when you’re going for the gold, be careful that you don’t get into pursuit mode. Rather than thinking about how many people you can get, think: What additional invitations can I make? Where else can I make my invitation?

And then keep going until you’ve given it your all. Think of Pilot Pete, and don’t give up until you’ve landed that balloon in the most masterful way.