Create a Culture on Your Campus

cultureIf you want to stand out in the marketplace, you need to create a culture on your campus and around your work.

For instance, I happen to be a bit sassy, which is why I named my mastermind the Sales, Authenticity, and Success Mastermind or Sassy.

The culture on my campus is we’re smart. We’re stylish. We’re spiritual. We’re sassy. We’re people who want to make big money, doing what we love and making a difference in people’s lives.

Now there are awesome campuses out there, where the culture is all about making money, and it doesn’t matter if you make a difference. It’s about learning the systems to put cash in your pocket. And while my systems certainly do that as well, that’s not the culture we create.

So, when you’re putting together your next program and, specifically, if you’re putting together a live event, think in advance about who you want to attract.

What is the culture you want to create on your campus?

Because it’s in large part the culture that will draw those people in.