Tag Archives: sales techniques
Secrets to 5K Overnight
Lisa Sasevich
Ever wondered how to generate more income with your proven system? In today’s Sassy Buddha Bar tip I’ve whipped up a juicy tip for you to use your unique branded system to produce a five thousand dollar sale practically over night. Check out this video and all our other speak to sell video tips on […]
How to Convert Sales at Live Events
Lisa Sasevich
Whether it’s your event or you’re speaking on another person’s stage, this tip will boost your sales conversation! It may seem like such a simple thing but far too often, I see it overlooked. Check out today’s Sassy Buddha Bar tip for this simple step that makes it easy for your audience to invest in […]
Be Ready to Get Booked
Lisa Sasevich
In a recent blog post, I told you that if you want to get speaking gigs you have to be able to articulate the unique transformation that you provide. That lets your host know that you’ve thought through your message and are ready to deliver it to an audience. There are also a few other […]
How to Get the Speaking Gigs
Lisa Sasevich
Not long ago I was speaking with Mary Glorfield, who is the director of Speaker Development for Peak Potentials, a company started by T. Harv Eker. She said that when she’s looking to book someone for her stage, she always asks what their takeaway value is. In other words, what is the transformation or outcome […]
Setting Goals…and Achieving Them
Lisa Sasevich
I was recently asked a personal question and wanted to share my answer with all of you. The question was “Lisa how do you go about setting goals?” In today’s Sassy Buddha Bar I’m sharing how I push myself and stretch to go further than I’ve gone before. Click play on the video below to […]
Multiply Your List
Lisa Sasevich
In an earlier blog I told you that teleseminars were the fastest way to grow your list. Today, I’m taking that further. Before you do your teleseminar, you want to give a free preview call. A preview call is loaded with content and is valuable in and of itself, and it also includes an invitation […]