Be Certain It’s a “No”
Lisa Sasevich
When a host tells you that you can’t sell at an upcoming speaking event, you want to reframe the question to be certain that’s truly the case. You want to say, respectfully, “Okay. How about if I created a special offer for your people only?” If they start thinking about it, give them the details. […]
Sassy Power Hour
Lisa Sasevich
Research shows that we spend most of our day picking off easy or quick details, and not accomplishing the high-priority tasks or working on the bigger vision that’s going to move our business forward. That’s why I came up with the Sassy Power Hour. This is a focusing tool to support my Sassy Mastermind members […]
Powerful Positioning
Lisa Sasevich
When it comes to presentations, be they in front of live audiences or virtually via powerful tools like teleseminars or webinars, people often worry the most about the last 15 minutes, when it’s time to make an Irresistible Offer or invitation to work with you or come in for a consult. But if you ignore […]
Don’t Forget to Set the “Hook”
Lisa Sasevich
If you want people to stay to the end of your preview call, so that they hear all about your offer, you want to be sure to set the “hook.” The hook is an incentive that richly rewards their staying on the line. It also leaves your preview call on a high note, as it […]
How to Keep the Sales You’ve Made
Lisa Sasevich
If you have offered classes, this probably has happened to you. In the lag time between signing up for your class and the beginning of the course, people start asking for refunds. It’s human nature. People get excited, they buy something, but then they forget why they bought it in the first place. If you […]
Her Life Without Webinars
Lisa Sasevich
For a recent ezine article, I spoke with entrepreneurs from different industries about their use of teleseminars and webinars. And I was so inspired by their answers, I decided to continue the conversation. I asked Cathy Fisher, who offers a webinar-based, online learning series for automotive engineers, what her business would be like if she […]