It’s Michele PW, Lisa’s personal copywriter and also your roving reporter at Lisa Sasevich’s “Ultimate Sales Bootcamp LIVE!” One of my favorite exercises at Ultimate Sales Bootcamp is when Lisa passes out Post-It notes and teaches how to discover your Unique Branded System. She walks the attendees through how to take the unique outcome/transformation they […]
How to Bless the Room
Lisa Sasevich
It’s Michele PW, Lisa’s personal copywriter and also your roving reporter at Lisa Sasevich’s “Ultimate Sales Bootcamp LIVE!” The night before every live training event, we do a room blessing. We’re committed to holding the space for the hundreds of heart-centered entrepreneurs and experts who join us at our live events so they get exactly […]
Entrepreneurs Turn Their Vision Into Reality
Lisa Sasevich
It’s Michele PW, Lisa’s personal copywriter and also your roving reporter at Lisa Sasevich’s “Ultimate Sales Bootcamp LIVE!” The party actually started last night with a Backstage Pass video Lisa shot for you …but she wasn’t onsite in the hotel with us. Where was she? Well, she’s a finalist for Ernst & Young San Diego […]
Are You Fully Leveraged?
Lisa Sasevich
Everybody’s talking about the need to be leveraged, but most people aren’t making the distinction between leveraged selling and leveraged delivery. Therefore, they’re missing half of the picture. Leveraged selling means you’re selling to more than one person at a time. You do that when you make your offer to a group of people, such […]
3 Ways to Meet Your Clients Where They Are
Lisa Sasevich
It’s a good idea to meet your clients where they are in order to support them in moving forward. They could be in different places geographically, financially, and in their mindset. So when you’re looking for ways to meet them you want to consider all three: Meet them geographically. Technology is a great way to bridge […]
Start Finding Your Community
Lisa Sasevich
Recently I was taking a gorgeous morning hike with my buddy Stacey Canfield, who’s taken awesome pictures of me for the past 5 years. I’ve actually known Stacey for more than 25 years, and over the past five we’ve jumped the line from being girlfriends that went out and partied and talked about boys to […]