How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking
Lisa Sasevich
Jerry Seinfeld has a joke about the fear of public speaking that goes like this: “I saw a study that said speaking in front of a crowd is the number one fear of the average person. Number two was death. This means to the average person, if you have to go to a funeral, you […]
Why Every New Entrepreneur Should Start Speaking
Lisa Sasevich
As a heart-centered entrepreneur, whether you are launching a new business, or trying to make the quantum leap you know you are capable of, you have an incredibly powerful tool at your disposal that costs you nothing and is uniquely yours: your voice. By using your experience, your expertise, and your voice to speak to […]
Discover how this lifelong entrepreneur achieved personal freedom and aims for seven figures in two years
Lisa Sasevich
You may have heard entrepreneur Jonathan Christian speak about his business success live on my stage. But as with most business owners, his path to success wasn’t the easiest nor was it necessarily the most expected. In 2008, a severe car accident changed his life in an instant. A challenging road to recovery followed, including […]
Entrepreneurial Self-Care: How to Make “Me” Time When You’re Already Stressed Out and Stretched Thin
Lisa Sasevich
As an entrepreneur, you’ve undoubtedly heard the buzzwords: “self-care” and “’me’ time.” By now, you probably know you need them, in order to live a happy and balanced life. But you also know that creating the type of personal freedom you crave requires hard work. You may be wondering how to get everything done and […]
What if I told you that as a heart-centered entrepreneur or expert, you have one of Hollywood’s most important tools right at your fingertips? You do! When producers are getting ready to market their movie, what do they do? They create a short-but-powerful trailer that makes audiences crave that movie. In darkened theaters, people whisper, […]
3 Misconceptions about Hosting Your Own Live Workshop
Lisa Sasevich
A frequent topic around here is hosting events, both big and small. Many of our online programs set up our clients so they can easily step onto any stage with confidence, grace, and a signature talk. There are a few illusions around hosting profitable events, workshops, retreats, or seminars. Today I want to clear up […]