How to Use Your Imperfections to Grow
Lisa Sasevich
I have a not-so-big newsflash for you: no one is perfect. None of us have all the right answers or excel at everything we do or are even excited by all the things we have to do to contribute and be helpful in our roles. But the secret is, that can be a good thing! […]
Reframe the Game: A New Definition of Sales
Lisa Sasevich
Just when it’s needed most, my new book, Meant for More: The Proven Formula to Turn Your Knowledge into Profits, is officially available. I wrote Meant for More as a blueprint for getting the “more” you’ve been longing for; a proven system you can use to learn how to discover your unique value so you […]
Why it pays to stay hopeful
Lisa Sasevich
VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Good morning. This is part two of here I am in Maui trying to do my fitness challenge, and I’m at a beautiful resort in the mountains. As you can see, the ocean is way back there, and there’s no gym. There’s not even stairs to climb and it’s been pouring rain, so […]
Why Entrepreneurial Self-Care is the Key
Lisa Sasevich
As an entrepreneur, you’ve undoubtedly heard the buzzwords: “self-care” and “’me’ time.” And during these uncertain times, as you diligently work to evolve your current business or generate another revenue stream, you probably need to hear these words and apply them to your life now more than ever. So how can you create this type […]
It’s not a one time thing
Lisa Sasevich
VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Hey guys, this is Lisa with are Meant for More moment and I’ve just come back from a walk with my- A hike. A hike really, right? With my girly friend Shaa Wasmund. She’s in town from the UK and we talked about a lot of things that are pretty transformational and we […]
Kick-Start Entrepreneurial Success by Speaking
Lisa Sasevich
As a heart-centered entrepreneur, whether you are launching a new business, or trying to make the quantum leap you know you are capable of, you have an incredibly powerful tool at your disposal that costs you nothing and is uniquely yours: your voice. By using your experience, your expertise, and your voice to speak to […]