Category Archives: Hot Stuff
I want for you to have what I have. I’m living proof you can have a business guided by Source, make a HUGE difference in the world with your gifts AND be paid handsomely for it. And I’m so grateful every day I have this opportunity. That said — take a look at my new […]
I’m ready to spill the beans…
Lisa Sasevich
I just got back from Suzanne Falter-Barns’ event, spent four days getting major snuggles from my kids and hubby and now that I’m all filled up with yummies, I’m off to L.A. to spend one day with my Diamond group and one more helping a new VIP client create her signature talk. Before I head […]
How do you transition from content to close?
Lisa Sasevich
This is another important question I get asked a lot, which is why I’m going to be covering it in more detail during my free call on March 17. In the meantime, let’s get you started with a quick tip. Early in your talk, promise your audience you’re going to share as much as you […]
6 Figure Teleseminar Secrets – We Answer Your Questions!
Lisa Sasevich
We’ve been getting some very good QUESTIONS regarding my upcoming 5-part telecourse titled… “The Invisible Close 6-Figure Teleseminar Secrets” This training is specifically for service professionals and anyone who is an expert in their field AND is ready to get out there and make a big difference while being paid handsomely. This is my […]