In a recent blog, I told you that when you’re speaking to sell to be sure to get an offer form into every person’s hand.
Today, I’m going to give you a logistical tip to make that happen.
Now, when I said get an order form into every person’s hand, I didn’t mean your team should walk down the aisles and literally hand each person an order form while you’re waiting onstage.
That may sound crazy, but I’ve seen it happen!
I’ve also seen team members stand at the head of each aisle and count how many people are in each row, and then pass out that many order forms — again, while you’re waiting on stage!
That can waste 5-10 of your precious minutes onstage, causing you to rush your offer. As I’ve said before, a rushed offer creates confusion, and a confused mind does not buy.
So, here’s my million-dollar tip for what you should do instead.
When your team or volunteers arrive, have them count the number of rows and the number of chairs per row. Then have them collate the order forms based on the number of chairs not people.
So if the room is 7 rows deep and there are 10 chairs in each row, you’re going to have 7 collated stacks with 10 order forms each.
That way, the person handing out the order forms can very quickly just hand a stack of forms to the first person in each row.
And then, Voila!… You will have the time that you need to explain your offer clearly — and maximize your sales.
This is a great, simple tip that would be easy to overlook. I like how your information on speaking covers everything from the big picture to the smallest details.
Lisa, It’s so amazing how simple this tip is, and yet it can make such a major difference in our sales. Thank you!