Do you want to have it all?
Do you want to break beyond the one-on-one and serve more people, become known for your expertise, make money and a difference, all while maintaining personal freedom at the end of the day?
By “personal freedom,” I mean, you get to choose how much you travel and how much you don’t. You decide how much money you want to make, and how many hours or days in a week you want to work.
That’s not just a pipe dream. You really can have it all. Here are the three keys to creating a business and a life that you’ll love:
1. Structure. Structure gives you the ability to be yourself, have fun and sell a ton. If you want to have personal freedom as well as a successful business, you have to put in structures, particularly in your sales system. Otherwise, you end up doing all kinds of crazy things to get people to buy, and you end up being the pushy, salesy person you didn’t want to be.
You need structures both online and offline that give you simple sales processes. [I’ll tell you more about those structures in my next ezine.]
2. Positioning. This is your key to being able to package, price and sell your expertise. Many experts think they should start at the “Wal-Mart” low-cost level and transition to the “Nordstrom” level once they have some experience under their belt, but it doesn’t work that way. Once you become known as the low-price leader, it’s very difficult to change that perception in your industry.
You actually want to come in at the highest level that your clients are ready to be served. To do that, you need to position yourself as a premium high-ticket expert, even if you’re just getting started. And the great news is, it’s not hard to do if you have the structure. (See how it all fits together?)
3. Leverage. Leveraging means you’re delivering your expertise to more than one person at a time. To start doing that in your business, you need to figure out what parts of your work can be taught or delivered to a group, and what parts have to be done one-on-one. And then you structure the delivery of your offers accordingly.
The undisclosed bonus of leveraging is that your clients actually learn more in a leveraged group setting, because they don’t just learn from you and their own thoughts and ideas, but also from the questions that other people ask and the coaching that other people solicit from the mentor.
So while there is a loss of the one-on-one attention, there’s also a huge gain for the client, as well as for you, that more than makes up for the loss.
If you’d like to have my exact plan for implementing these three keys into your business and creating your personal sales conversion machine, there’s still room for you at my upcoming live event, Ultimate Sales Bootcamp. It’s my newest creation, and it’s literally the fruition of six years of creating and running my own highly structured sales conversion machine. I can’t wait to show you exactly how it works and hand you the plan! Isn’t it time to join me and let me show you how easy it really can be?